While visiting an old arcade Niall and Dwayne are caught in a strange beam and transported to a super stylish virtual world in the midst of turmoil, the world of Tron: Uprising!
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A spin-off TV series meant to bridge the gaps between the films Tron and Tron Legacy, Tron Uprising is an intelligent and masterfully crafted cartoon which explores many complex themes; the rule of government, insurrection, xenophobia, existentialism, ethical and moral quandaries. All this while still being an action-packed show with plenty of appeal to audiences young and old. Unfortunately cancelled before it was able to finish out the season what we are left with is an incomplete product that is nonetheless essential viewing for sheer entertainment value and to wonder at what more could have been achieved.
In this land, the man with rocket punch is king.
Funny Faces
We love you Virtual Jeff Bridges