Show Index

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Show #201: James Bond Jr.

Having dodged responsibility for long enough we undertake a dangerous mission to uncover the true identity of James Bond Jr. Is he an established brand's attempt to reach a younger audience? How does it involve the story of the Irish animation industry? And will this be more fun to discuss than initially expected? Keep your ears peeled and find out before it's too late agent, and do stop by the lab on your way out for a cunningly concealed Post-Podcast Repaste!

Listen up!

Monday, 5 April 2021

Show #200: An Emotional Animation Exchange! aka No Sea For Old Lastman

 Against expectations this abberation in animation appreciation has racked up 200 instalments (plus about that amount again in extra-curricular activities) and we're in a celebratory mood. And what's a party without favours, as we each perused our respective repositories of cartoon knowledge in search of a fitting gift for each other. Dwayne classes up the joint with an Oscar winning adaptation of Hemingway's The Old Man And The Sea; Niall blows it all away via the spectacle of French action adventure Lastman; both invite moments of profundity and true kinship! These podcast boys have become podcast MEN.

Listen up!