It's a cold Christmas night in the offices of SOTSM and Co. whereupon we are visited by the grim spectre of Christmas Carol: The Movie!
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Our first Christmas episode ever! And out of all the cartoons with a festive theme we could have chosen we begin with this one, a made-for-TV movie masquerading as a theatrical feature that feels flatter than the last dregs of Xmas party champagne. Visually average bar the odd artistic flourish with some pretty okay voice performances but commits the cardinal sin of wasting the tremendous power of Nicolas Cage, a fact we attempt to alleviate in our own special way.
If you're in need of more podcast shaped Christmas cheer we also made an appearance on the festive special of Dynamite In The Brain, jamming to a righteous party mix of twenty or so versions of Jingle Bells.
The Ghost Of Nicolas Cage
The Ghost Of A Better Movie
The Ghost Of Scrooge's Lovelife